Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has been a long-standing partner of the Global Fund, implementing programs supported by the Global Fund to tackle HIV, TB and malaria across Africa.
The partnership includes Crush Malaria, a joint initiative from CRS and the Global Fund to raise awareness and additional funds to help fight malaria, one of the deadliest diseases on the planet – especially for children under 5.
Through fundraising activities within the Catholic communities of the United States, including colleges, high school youth, and family foundations, Crush Malaria leverages and complements the strengths of both organizations by mobilizing significant additional resources and scaling up malaria programs in Africa.
The initiative focuses on Niger, considered one of the least developed countries in the world and among the countries most hard hit by malaria. The initiative aims to treat 1 million children with preventative medication across the country and help reduce the number of cases among children by 60%.
Crush Malaria provides children with lifesaving prevention medication called seasonal malaria chemoprevention. Seasonal malaria chemoprevention is a cost-effective method that has led to a dramatic decline in malaria cases. The treatment, which costs just US$5 per child, is given to children before the peak malaria season, and can be easily administered by community health workers in remote communities, making it a sustainable approach in rural areas.
Pledge and contribution data updated on: 11 September 2024