Header photo The Global Fund / Nicolas Rodet
Published: 10 October 2019

US$14 Billion to Step Up the Fight Against the Epidemics

World leaders, civil society leaders, CEOs, activists, philanthropists, advocates and people affected by HIV, TB and malaria gathered in Lyon, France in October 2019 to make a decision. Do we step up the fight against these diseases, or do we allow ourselves to slip back?

The world stepped up.

In an unprecedented show of global solidarity, donors at the Global Fund's Sixth Replenishment Conference pledged US$14.02 billion for the next three years – the largest amount ever raised for a multilateral health organization, and the largest amount by the Global Fund. The funds will help save 16 million lives and end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria by 2030.

President Emmanuel Macron of France electrified the conference with a stirring appeal to deliver the next generation a better and healthier world, fighting inequality and strengthening social justice. President Macron called on all partners to increase their commitments by at least 15% in order to reach the target of at least US$14 billion, and during the pledging session that followed, donors answered that urgent call to step up the fight – many making last-minute increases on top of their original pledges.

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Donors pledge US$14 billion

Many donors significantly increased their pledges to the Global Fund, citing the urgency to take decisive action.

News release: Global Fund Donors Pledge US$14 Billion in Fight to End Epidemics

Private sector partners spur innovation

Business executives from a range of sectors announced new partnerships with the Global Fund.

News release: Private Sector Partners Step Up the Fight to End AIDS, TB and Malaria

Video: Power of Private Sector Partnerships

The conference

Held every three years, the Global Fund’s Replenishment Conference is a platform for the announcement of financial pledges to the Global Fund partnership from donors around the world to help end the epidemics and promote a healthier future for all. Learn more

The Sixth Replenishment Conference was hosted by the government of France in Lyon 9-10 October 2019 in the presence of President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron.

“I will not let anyone leave this room, or Lyon, until the $14 billion is reached!”

President Emmanuel Macron electrified the conference with a stirring appeal for partners to deliver the next generation a better and healthier world, fighting inequality and strengthening social justice. President Macron called on all donors to increase their commitments to the Global Fund. During the pledging session that followed, donors answered that urgent call to step up the fight – many making last-minute increases on top of their original pledges.

Faces of the fight

The fight against HIV, TB and malaria has many faces. They span ages and geographies and gender. Their diversity shows us that these diseases don’t affect one “type” of person. We can all see ourselves in these champions – in their challenges, their hopes and their strength.

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Thank you!

Thank you to the partners who pledged their support for the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment.