Government and Public Donors

Pledges at Global Fund Seventh Replenishment Conference
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Financial contributions from governments to the Global Fund are critical to ending AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria as epidemics and to strengthening systems for health. More than 80 countries have made or pledged contributions to the Global Fund to accelerate the fight against the three diseases. The majority of the Global Fund’s financial support comes from public resources.

Cumulative contributions by government

Data updated on: 11 September 2024

Our partnership raises funding in three-year cycles known as Replenishments. The current period, the Seventh Replenishment, covers 2023-2025.

Each government's pledges and contributions from Replenishment to Replenishment and since the founding of the Global Fund are viewable on its profile page, accessible through the menu in this section, as well as in our report:

  • Pledges and Contributions Report
    Excel | PDF
  • Major government donors by cumulative contributions (end 2023)

Total pledges and contributions by Replenishment

Contributions listed exclude technical assistance. Data updated on: 11 September 2024

Several countries also contribute to the Global Fund through debt swaps under the Debt2Health initiative.

Board Representation

Donor governments are represented on the Global Fund Board. Of the 20 Board constituencies with voting rights, eight represent donor governments. In addition, there are eight non-voting members, including the Additional Public Donors constituency. Donor governments also often participate in the decision-making process at the country level through involvement in Country Coordinating Mechanisms.

As per Global Fund policy, public donors’ contributions cannot be earmarked for specific countries or programs, and the allocation of funding is the responsibility of the Global Fund Board.