Header photo The Global Fund/Sarah Hoibak
Published: 19 September 2024


The Challenge

The fight against malaria is one of humanity’s most significant public health successes. Great progress was made in malaria control over the last two decades, resulting in a reduction in overall cases and deaths. But drug and insecticide resistance are increasing, and climate change is pushing malaria transmission into new regions.

In 2022, there were 249 million cases of malaria – 94% of them in sub-Saharan Africa – and 608,000 malaria deaths worldwide. Of those deaths, 76% were children under 5.

More than ever before, the Global Fund needs to support countries in their efforts to revitalize and sustain the fight against malaria. We must strive to provide better and more equitable access to all health services, vastly increase funding for malaria programs, invest in new approaches and innovations and improve use of existing tools. If we do not increase investment in fighting malaria, we must accept that we are effectively abandoning the 2030 goal to end the disease as a public health threat.

Malaria by the Numbers


  • The Global Fund provides 62% of all international financing for malaria programs.
  • We have invested more than US$19.1 billion in malaria control programs as of June 2024.

Testing and Treatment

  • 335 million suspected cases of malaria tested in 2022.
  • 171 million cases of malaria treated in 2022.


  • 227 million mosquito nets distributed to protect families from malaria in 2023.
  • 7.9 million structures covered by indoor residual spraying in 2022.
  • 44.6 million children covered by seasonal malaria chemoprevention in 2022.
  • 15.5 million pregnant women received preventive therapy for malaria in 2022.

Our Response

The Global Fund provides 62% of all international financing for malaria programs and has invested more than US$19.1 billion in malaria control programs as of June 2024.

These investments are making an impact. In countries where the Global Fund invests, malaria deaths have dropped by 28% between 2002 and 2022. Without these interventions, malaria deaths would have increased by 90% over the same period.

Trends in malaria deaths

Trends in malaria cases

Malaria burden estimates and estimation of “no malaria control” from WHO Global Malaria Programme, 2023 release. Global Fund portfolio indicates countries where the Global Fund invests.

Testing and Treatment

Timely testing and treatment of malaria is fundamental to preventing deaths. The Global Fund works with partners to support the delivery of good quality, people-centered health services at public and private facilities and at the community level. Our partners also work with communities in malaria-endemic areas to provide information about what malaria is, how it is transmitted, how to prevent it, and, most importantly, what actions to take if malaria is suspected.

The more than 2 million community health workers in the countries where the Global Fund invests are a critical force in the fight to eliminate malaria, particularly in hard-to-reach rural villages. Community health workers lead outreach campaigns that raise awareness in communities about lifesaving prevention methods so people at risk for malaria can take full advantage of them.


Malaria prevention underpins malaria control efforts and is the most effective way to dramatically reduce cases and deaths. The Global Fund invests in multiple new and existing tools to prevent malaria.

These include insecticide-treated nets, indoor residual spraying, and seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) for children under 5, all of which are most often distributed through large-scale campaigns.

The Global Fund is investing US$50 million from 2021 to 2024, to support evidence gathering and market entry of a new type of insecticide-treated net to fight malaria-carrying mosquitoes. Dual active ingredient (dual AI) nets are treated with two insecticides and can kill mosquitoes that are resistant to one of the two insecticides. Children under 5, who are most vulnerable to illness and death from malaria, will experience the most direct health benefits.

As of October 2023, there are now two malaria vaccines recommended by WHO – RTS,S and R21. Building on the existing clinical evidence, the Global Fund, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and Unitaid funded pilots of the introduction of the RTS,S vaccine through routine immunization programs in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi. Both malaria vaccines are being introduced into routine child immunization schedules across Africa. Importantly, both vaccines prevent around 75% of malaria episodes in vaccinated children when given in areas of highly seasonal transmission where SMC is also provided.

In the hardest-hit countries across the Sahel, the Global Fund supports the rollout of SMC campaigns, a cost-effective and targeted intervention for young children that can reduce malaria cases by more than 70%. In 2023, 44.6 million children received SMC, a 20% increase on the previous year.

Successes in fighting drug-resistant malaria in the Greater Mekong region show that a well-funded joint effort works. The Regional Artemisinin-resistance Initiative (RAI) – the Global Fund’s largest regional grant – was launched in 2013 in response to the emergence of drug-resistant malaria in the Greater Mekong region. The Global Fund is investing more than US$700 million through this initiative to accelerate malaria elimination as a bulwark against drug resistance. It is working: In the decade to 2022, reported cases of malaria in Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam have been reduced by 92%, and estimated deaths from all types of malaria have been reduced by 88%.

Read the Latest Results Report