Preparatory Meeting of the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment
Preparatory Meeting of the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment Day 1
The Preparatory Meeting set the groundwork for the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment, launching the Investment Case which lays out how we plan to fight for what counts and protect everyone, everywhere from the deadliest infectious diseases and build a healthier, more equitable world.
Hosted by a coalition of African Leaders, the Preparatory Meeting put the spotlight on Africa’s leadership role in global health, and celebrated the tremendous impact achieved by the Global Fund partnership over the last 20 years. The meeting outlined some of the challenges we face today from the perspective of African Leaders, the host of the Sixth Replenishment Pledging Conference, the host of the Seventh Replenishment Pledging Conference, WHO in its role as convener of the global health community, a longstanding private sector partner, and a youth leader.