Belgium is the 15th largest public donor to the Global Fund, with a cumulative contribution of €316.92 million to date.

In 2021, the country announced a pledge of €60 million for the period 2021-2024, for which it signed a contribution agreement with the Global Fund. Belgium’s development cooperation budget cycles differ from Global Fund’s replenishment cycles. As such, the Belgian four-year pledge coincides with the last two years of the Sixth Replenishment (2021-2022) and the first two years of the Seventh Replenishment (2023-2024), corresponding with €15 million per year.

Government donor ranking

As of: end 2023


Pledges and contributions

Data updated on: 22 July 2024


Total pledged

€331.92 million

Total contributed

€316.92 million

Seventh Replenishment (2023-2025)

Total pledged

€30 million

Total contributed

€15 million

Pledges and contributions by replenishment

Shared priorities

Belgium’s priorities in global health are reflected in the ambitious agenda for its Presidency of the Council of the European Union: equitable access to medicines, pandemic preparedness, and cooperation between the European Union and the African Union on local production of vaccines and health products. It further singles out investment in capacity building of resilient health systems as an overarching priority. The agenda also mentions the fight against neglected tropical diseases, access to qualitative and affordable basic health care, health of children and young women, and sexual and reproductive health and rights.

The Global Fund and Belgium’s priorities mutually reinforce each other in progressing together towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.