United States

The United States has long been a driving force in the global fight against HIV, TB and malaria through its bilateral programs and its robust support of the Global Fund and other multilateral organizations. The United States is the Global Fund's largest donor and has been since the partnership was founded in 2002. The country has helped shape the Global Fund's strategic direction and policies as a member of the Board.

The United States has contributed US$24.87 billion to date. It contributed US$4.68 billion for the Sixth Replenishment, covering 2020-2022. The country announced a commitment of US$6 billion to the Global Fund for the Seventh Replenishment, covering 2023-2025, which was hosted by the U.S. Government in New York City on September 21, 2022.

The Global Fund works hand-in-hand with the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative, and the U.S. Agency for International Development’s TB program. By working with countries to help prevent, diagnose and treat HIV, TB and malaria, the Global Fund strengthens local health systems.

Global Fund grants have made countries better prepared to respond to COVID-19. Prior to the outbreak, the Global Fund was already the largest multilateral provider of grants to strengthen health security, investing over US$1 billion a year in key components such as community health workers, disease surveillance systems, diagnostic tools, laboratory networks and supply chains. Roughly one-third of our funding already contributes to strengthening health systems and pandemic preparedness, guided by our new Strategy, which the U.S. government helped design. We have the know-how to use the investments that are essential for progress in the fight against AIDS, TB and malaria to reinforce community capacity and better prepare for future pandemics.

U.S. support for the Global Fund is a strategic investment in the American economy. The millions of people whose lives have been saved through Global Fund-supported programs live in countries that are critical trade partners to the United States.

Government donor ranking

As of: end 2023



Data updated on: 11 September 2024


Total contributed

US$24.87 billion

Shared Priorities

Like the United States, the Global Fund is committed to helping governments increase domestic investments in fighting HIV, TB and malaria, and works with countries to plan for an eventual transition from international assistance.

In addition to continued efforts to further human rights in conjunction with civil society and key populations, the Global Fund has moved faster than many others during crises in Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and other challenging settings. It now deploys roughly a third of our funding to partners in countries we consider “challenging operating environments”.

The U.S. government served as the institutional lead for the Multilateral Organization Performance Assessment Network's latest assessment of the Global Fund. This respected independent watchdog's assessment commended the Global Fund for its clear strategic direction, risk management, transparency, accountability and low operational budget. Recent assessments from the governments of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Australia also gave the Global Fund high ratings.

Like the United States, the Global Fund values its collaboration with faith-based organizations, which are key implementing partners in reaching the most vulnerable. Faith-based organizations are important members of the Global Fund’s Country Coordinating Mechanisms. Many church groups also galvanize support for the Global Fund. For instance, the Global Fund receives generous financial support from Catholic Relief Services, Caritas, World Vision and the United Methodist Church.

The Global Fund is laser-focused on results and transparency and holds itself accountable to donors like the United States. The Global Fund contracts Local Fund Agents to verify the distribution of funding and achievement of results in implementing countries. The Global Fund also has a strong, independent inspector general that reports directly to the Global Fund Board.