28 May 2004
Geneva, Switzerland - Given substantial media attention around comments made by the Global Fund Executive Director Richard Feachem to the South African Broadcasting Corporation and later statements by the South African Government, the Global Fund would like to clarify its position on the current status of its grants to South Africa.
Contrary to speculation in the media, the Global Fund is not threatening to withdraw any funds from South Africa. Collaboration between the Global Fund and the South African Government is productive and positive. Furthermore, through its seat on the Global Fund Board, South Africa plays an important role in the governance of the Global Fund.
We are encouraged by recent progress and are confident that the programs supported by the Global Fund will contribute substantially to South Africa’s struggle with HIV/AIDS.
The Global Fund remains committed to working with the South African Government to find joint solutions to bottlenecks in order to ensure rapid and efficient implementation of the Global Fund-financed programs in South Africa.
To date, the Global Fund has approved proposals for HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care worth US$234 million over five years to South Africa.