11 May 2006
Geneva , Switzerland - One of the first donors to respond to calls for additional support in 2006, the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation announced its renewed pledge of support of €1.5 million (approximately US$1.9 million). Representing the development arm of the government of Catalonia, one of the 17 Autonomous Communities of Spain, the Agency is the first of Europe's Decentralized Cooperation Agencies to contribute to the Global Fund and is considered a model for support by other such agencies.
"As the Global Fund seeks additional funding streams so urgently needed to scale up interventions against the three diseases, we welcome the leadership and commitment shown by Catalonia's Agency for Development Cooperation," said Prof Richard Feachem, Executive Director of the Global Fund.
The Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation (ACCD) made its initial pledge of 1 million in 2005. The expanded pledge represents 3 percent of all Official Development Aid contributed by the Catalan Agency, a share which is relatively high among supporters of the Global Fund. ACCD's new pledge is additional to an additional pledge by the government of Spain which was also recently announced.
"The Catalan Agency is very pleased to renew its firm commitment to the work of the Global Fund, and thereby to the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria," said Mr. David Minoves, Director of the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation. “It is of vital importance that resources are available to support the Global Fund’s next round of grants, and we are proud to participate in this effort.
In coming months, the ACCD plans to organize the first meeting for Decentralized European Development Agencies, in order to increase visibility and support for the Global Fund. The Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation was also a participant in the Global Fund's replenishment process, initiated in 2005, to move the Global Fund from the current system of ad hoc pledges toward a funding model based on periodic replenishments.
Founded four years ago with the aim of drastically scaling up the funds available to fight the three diseases, the Global Fund currently mobilizes 20 percent of international financing to combat HIV/ AIDS, and 65 percent of all international funds invested in combating malaria and tuberculosis.
The Board approves programs for two years, with an option to renew funding for a second three-year phase if the programs achieve targeted results. Since it was created in January 2002, the Global Fund has approved US$ 5.1 billion to nearly 400 grants, supporting programs in 131 countries.