01 December 2009
Programs Jointly Support Majority of 4 Million on Treatment in Low and Middle-Income Countries
Washington - The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria announced today that the two programs are jointly supporting antiretroviral treatment for nearly 3.7 million of the estimated 4 million individuals in low and middle-income countries who currently receive treatment globally.
Through its partnerships with more than 30 countries through September 2009, PEPFAR has provided direct support for life-saving antiretroviral treatment for over 2.4 million men, women and children. The Global Fund has supported treatment for 2.5 million people worldwide. Approximately 1.3 million people receive treatment supported by both PEPFAR bilateral programs and the Global Fund, and thus are counted in the totals for each organization. These numbers reflect the strong country-level partnership between PEPFAR and the Global Fund. For example, in India, U.S. Government programs provide technical assistance to treatment services and the antiretroviral drugs are provided by the Global Fund.
PEPFAR and the Global Fund enjoy a complementary and supportive relationship in the fight against HIV and AIDS worldwide. In order to exploit synergies, PEPFAR and Global Fund-financed programs coordinate at the country level to ensure that resources are used efficiently and effectively. Collaboration and coordination are crucial to the efficient use of money and for making further progress in providing AIDS treatment and care to the millions still in need.
PEPFAR is the largest commitment by any nation to combat a single disease in history. Through PEPFAR, U.S. Government is the first and largest donor to the Global Fund, contributing $3.5 billion to date, with additional pledges that will bring the total U.S. Government contribution to $4.5 billion.
In addition to significant support for antiretroviral treatment, in FY 2009 alone, PEPFAR directly supported more than 11 million people with care and support programs. Throughout its history, PEPFAR’s efforts around prevention of mother-to-child transmission programs allowed nearly 340,000 babies of HIV-positive mothers to be born HIV-free. More than 4 million orphans and vulnerable children have been assisted by the program.
With US$ 9.3 billion disbursed to more than 550 programs so far, the Global Fund currently distributes a quarter of all international financing for AIDS globally, as well as two-thirds for TB and malaria.
The Global Fund is a unique global public/private partnership dedicated to attracting and disbursing additional resources to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. This partnership between governments, civil society, the private sector and affected communities represents a new approach to international health financing. The Global Fund works in close collaboration with other bilateral and multilateral organizations to supplement existing efforts dealing with the three diseases.