19 March 2010
Resources will support health systems strengthening initiatives in Africa
Geneva - Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. (Takeda), Japan’s largest pharmaceutical company, today announced a commitment to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria of JP ¥ 100,000,000 (approximately US$ 1 million) annually, for the period 2010-2019.
The resources will be directed to Global Fund-supported programs in Africa to strengthen health systems and human capacity development initiatives. This year, the Global Fund plans to channel the contribution specifically to programs fighting AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in Nigeria, Senegal and Tanzania, respectively. Takeda will also support advocacy efforts to help raise the profile and visibility of the Global Fund in Japan.
“We are extremely pleased with the commitment from Takeda. I hope it will inspire other corporations in Asia and across the world to step up and join the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria”, said Professor Michel Kazatchkine, Executive Director of the Global Fund. “The Global Fund’s innovative financing mechanism gives companies and businesses which are not focusing on the three diseases, such as Takeda Pharmaceutical, the opportunity to really have an impact on the lives of those in need”, he added.
Friends of the Global Fund Japan, a non-governmental advocacy organization supporting the Global Fund’s mission, was instrumental in setting up this new partnership. Through the contribution, Takeda is recognized as a “Corporate Partner” of the Global Fund. Since the Global Fund’s inception in 2001, the private sector - including businesses, business associations and individuals - has contributed to the work of the Global Fund in a variety of ways, ranging from engaging in the governance of the Global Fund to contributions of cash and non-cash resources to collaborating with in-country partners and recipients. Chevron Corporation, the American multinational energy company, became the first “Corporate Champion” of the Global Fund in 2008 with a major investment in the Global Fund and commitment to support local partnerships. To date, private sector and non-government donors, including (PRODUCT)RED and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, have contributed more than US$ 850 million to the Global Fund.
“Takeda’s commitment to the Global Fund deeply aligns with our corporate mission, which includes putting into practice the United Nations Global Compact. The Global Fund is an excellent vehicle, and we are delighted to contribute through it, to support people affected by the three diseases and help strengthen health systems in developing countries,” said Mr. Yasuchika Hasegawa, CEO of Takeda, established in 1781.
Tadashi Yamamoto, president of the Japan Center for International Exchange and Director of Friends of the Global Fund, Japan, added that “Takeda’s contribution is truly groundbreaking. It is one of the first times that a Japanese company is taking such a leading role in the global fight against the three diseases. It provides an exemplary model of how diverse sectors of society in Japan can actively contribute more to global challenges such as deadly communicable diseases.”
Takeda initiative
Takeda aims to support human capacity development for health system strengthening in developing countries. As the first phase of the Initiative, Takeda supports the following Global Fund projects in Africa: