27 October 2010
The pledge is a multi-year contribution agreement covering 2011-2013
Geneva, 27 October 2010 – Luxembourg’s Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, Marie-Josée Jacobs, and the Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Prof. Michel Kazatchkine, today signed an agreement in which Luxembourg will commit EUR 7.5 million to the Global Fund for the period 2011-2013, making it one of the top per capita donors.
“We are very pleased to continue supporting the Global Fund through this multi-year agreement,” said Minister Jacobs. “The Global Fund has obtained impressive results in the last eight years by saving almost 6 million lives. It has shown that it is possible to drive back the pandemics”.
Luxembourg is a donor to the Global Fund since its inception in 2002. The Grand Duchy’s contributions to the Global Fund have been increasing since then and by the end of 2013 they will have reached EUR 26 million.
“The decision by Luxembourg to commit resources through a multi-year agreement is very welcome,” says Professor Kazatchkine. “It is a sign of confidence in the Global Fund, and enables both predictable and flexible funding.”
Luxembourg announced its pledge in New York last 5 October during the Replenishment conference organized by the Global Fund, where more than 40 donor countries, private foundations, and corporations met to announce their pledges to the Global Fund for the period 2011-2013.