04 May 2011
Co-chairs appoint five members to complete high-level panel which will assess risk of fraud
GENEVA - The co-chairs of the high-level panel that will review the Global Fund’s financial safeguards, Festus Mogae and Michael O. Leavitt, have selected the group of eminent persons and experts who will jointly conduct the assessment. The panel and the Global Fund have also agreed on the scope and timeline of the review, which is scheduled to be concluded by September 15, 2011.
The members selected to complete the high-level panel are:
Under the leadership of Mr. Mogae, former President of Botswana, and Governor Leavitt, former U.S. Secretary for Health and Human Services, the panel is assessing the risk of fraud and misappropriation in the current Global Fund portfolio, and the systems and controls in place which seek to ensure that the resources reach beneficiaries and are used for their intended purposes. To perform the assessment, the members of the panel will examine a representative sample of grants in countries in different risk categories, drawing conclusions and making recommendations, as appropriate.
The panel’s consultants started work on the review in March and have already covered considerable ground.
The panel will provide to the Global Fund Board two interim progress updates via e-mail, a longer progress report by the end of June, and a final report by September 15, 2011.
“I am delighted that such a diverse and well qualified group of high-calibre professionals has been selected. The Secretariat will provide all possible cooperation and support to the panel’s work”, said Professor Michel Kazatchkine, Global Fund Executive Director.
The panel’s review is part of a broader set of measures that continue to be implemented to strengthen the Global Fund’s financial safeguards. As with all Global Fund reports, the findings will be made public.