14 September 2011
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria welcomes the endorsement of the “Consolidated Action Plan to prevent and combat MDR TB 2011- 2015” by all 53 European countries, and is committed to fully support its targets and objectives. As the largest international funder of tuberculosis programs and the largest funder of multidrug-resistant TB treatment (MDR-TB), the Global Fund recognises the strong political will in the countries of the region and the commitment of WHO to tackle the serious challenge of MDR-TB.
Speaking at the sixty-first session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe held in Baku last week, Prof. Michel Kazatchkine, and Executive Director of the Global Fund said “MDR-TB constitutes a major public health challenge in the region and halts progress under MDG6. I would like to particularly acknowledge the efforts of WHO European Regional Office to address this alarming challenge. Financing of health care is a shared responsibility and of particular significance in a globalized world.”
The Global Fund is committed to turning around the MDR-TB epidemic. Global Fund grants support a range of activities in line with the Consolidated Action Plan including: social support to patients, community system strengthening surveillance, and programme monitoring.
Global Fund-supported TB and MDR-TB programs in EuropeTo date, US$ 880 million has been approved by the Global Fund to support TB proposals in 20 European region countries, of which US$ 450 million has already been disbursed. In addition, the Global Fund has granted funding for MDR-TB activities in 12 of the 15 high-burden countries in the European region, and at mid-2011 almost 20,000 patients have enrolled on Global Fund-supported MDR-TB treatment – an increase of almost 20% over 2010. Global Fund support has also resulted in greater engagement from civil society, NGOs and the private sector in the response to MDR-TB. An estimated 225,000 MDR-TB patients would be diagnosed under the Consolidated Action Plan
The global pictureTo date Global Fund-financed TB programmes around the world have provided treatment to 8.2 million people. The global fund also contributes to preventing the emergence of MDR-TB by supporting the effective treatment of people when they first develop tuberculosis.
Leaving MDR-TB untreated increases the risk of spread of drug-resistant strains of TB. Programmes financed by the Global Fund with WHO treatment standards are expected to diagnose and treat about 250, 000 people worldwide with MDR-TB by 2015.