17 November 2011
Geneva, November 17 - Sony Corporation and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria have entered into a partnership for the implementation of behavior change projects, in which Sony provides state of the art equipment and movies and the Global Fund ensures it gets to agencies best able to reach communities most in need. This partnership is the first pilot case that combines pro bono and in-kind contribution.
The Global Fund facilitated the donation of the Sony equipment that includes a 150-inch screen together with a projector and sound system that are customized for easy transport and tough outdoor conditions, to one of its partners in Tanzania, the African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF). AMREF then carried out the implementation of the first Public Viewing Project in the country.
The project aims to attract young people who are at high risk of HIV infection by using the donated equipment to screen a mix of public health information and entertainment programs, including movies provided by Sony Pictures Entertainment. Around the same time, voluntary HIV testing and counseling are offered at the Public Viewing venues.
The first Public Viewing events took place from 5 -13 November 2011 with around 4,700 people viewing Sony Picture’s movies targeting the young along with an awareness raising film as well as football matches. The viewings were held in low-income areas such as Temeke in Dar es Salaam, as well as smaller cities like Tanga, Moshi and Arusha, where the HIV prevalence rate is high. During the event, 2,482 people were tested for HIV.
“Early and appropriate HIV testing and counseling have important prevention benefits and are effective in controlling the spread of the disease,” said Christoph Benn, the Director of External Relations and Partnerships of the Global Fund. “We are pleased to partner with Sony in this initiative, and hope that similar programs will be rolled out soon in other Global Fund recipient countries.”
"Sony is continuing its ongoing efforts to contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs),” said Shiro Kambe, Corporate Executive and Senior Vice President, Sony Corporation. “Participation in the "Public Viewing in Tanzania" project in collaboration with the Global Fund and AMREF, exceeded our expectations, and we are confident that the project has made a lasting contribution to HIV and AIDS education in Tanzania. Sony plans to conduct similar projects in various countries and regions, to lay the foundations for local people to operate such projects independently, and contribute to capacity building in local communities in the future. Going forward, Sony will maintain its unwavering commitment to fulfilling its corporate social responsibility, and contributing to the solution of social issues in various countries and regions.”
Sony’s technical crew has been training AMREF staff on how to use and maintain the audio visual equipment. AMREF will continue using the donated equipment for awareness-raising and advocacy projects supported by the Global Fund.
AMREF’s Global Fund grant supports the scale up of HIV and AIDS services by strengthening capacity and coordination among key stakeholders in the public and private sectors, civil society organizations and faith-based organizations, as well as People Living with HIV and AIDS groups.
There are one million people living with HIV in Tanzania, out of which 450,000 need ARV treatment. At present, 250,000 of them have access to antiretroviral therapy.