06 May 2013
GENEVA - The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria welcomed an announcement from Switzerland that it intends to increase its contribution to the Global Fund by 43 per cent in 2013.
Swiss Federal Councillor Didier Burkhalter made the announcement on Monday after meeting the Global Fund's Executive Director Mark Dybul in the Swiss Federation's capital of Berne.
"I am delighted that Switzerland has said that it is ready to make a big increase in its contribution to the Global Fund," said Dr. Dybul. "This sends a very strong message ahead of a replenishment conference that the Global Fund will be holding with its donors in the autumn."
Councillor Burkhalter said that Switzerland would increase its contribution for 2013 to 10 million Swiss francs from an initial pledge of 7 million Swiss francs, an increase of 43 per cent. He also indicated that Switzerland wanted to make a big increase in its support to the Global Fund in the 2014-16 period but did not confirm a figure.
Switzerland, one of a number of countries that helped to establish the Global Fund in 2002, hosted a mid-term replenishment conference in November 2012. The Global Fund is headquartered in Geneva.