News Releases

Tahir Contributes $65 Million to the Global Fund

21 October 2013

JAKARTA – Dato Sri Dr. Tahir, Chairman of the Tahir Foundation in Indonesia, announced today that his foundation is investing US$65 million in the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. The contribution is being matched by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, for a total US$130 million investment in the Global Fund.

The Tahir contribution, by far the largest ever made to the Global Fund by a private foundation in an emerging economy, will support efforts to diagnose, treat, and prevent AIDS, TB and malaria, leading causes of death and disability in Indonesia.

As the Global Fund prepares for its Fourth Replenishment Conference in early December, hosted by the United States in Washington D.C., Dr. Tahir’s announcement demonstrates exemplary leadership for private sector investors choosing the Global Fund as an effective vehicle to reach more people with life-saving services.

At a news conference in Jakarta, Dr. Tahir, who is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Mayapada Group, said the Global Fund’s work aligned with the goals of his foundation.

“The Tahir Foundation is dedicated to serving the less privileged in Indonesia and Southeast Asia,” said Dr. Tahir. “We believe that corporations have a responsibility to support health and well-being in the communities where they work, and our commitment to the Global Fund is a smart investment in Indonesia’s future. We also believe that family planning saves lives and gives children a healthy start in life.”

Dr. Nafsiah Mboi, speaking in her double capacity as Minister of Health of Indonesia and Chair of the Board of the Global Fund, said: “Our gratitude and admiration is tremendous for the initiative of the Tahir Foundation and the partnership of the Gates Foundation to help improve the health of Indonesia’s poorest citizens.

“Together they provide outstanding examples of mutual solidarity among Indonesians and responsible global citizenship,” said Dr. Nafsiah Mboi. “We stand ready to join hands with others prepared to follow their example in Indonesia or around the world. If we work hard and work together we have the knowledge and skills to defeat AIDS, TB, and malaria. This support to Indonesia’s contribution to the global fight is a big step forward.”

Bill Gates, Co-Chair of the Gates Foundation, added: “Dr. Tahir’s commitment is a tremendous example of the role that leading philanthropists from emerging economies like Indonesia can play in ensuring that all people have an opportunity to lead a healthy and productive life. The Tahir Foundation’s investment in the Global Fund is a strong vote of confidence in an organization that has helped save nine million lives in the past decade.”

Mark Dybul, Executive Director of the Global Fund, praised the Tahir Foundation’s commitment to defeating AIDS, TB and malaria in Indonesia.

"We feel privileged to be joined by an Indonesian businessman who wants to give back to improve the quality of life of people in his own country," said Dr. Dybul. "This contribution will make a dramatic difference in fighting AIDS, TB and malaria in Indonesia."

Over the past decade, financing from the Global Fund has supported Indonesia’s efforts to treat 1.3 million cases of tuberculosis, distribute nearly 9 million insecticide-treated nets to prevent malaria, and provide nearly 30,000 Indonesians with life-saving access to HIV treatment. With support from the Global Fund, Indonesia has strengthened its national TB control program, contributing to a significant reduction in TB deaths over the past decade.