21 November 2013
GENEVA – The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria welcomed an announcement by the Republic of Korea to double its contribution to the Global Fund over the next three years by drawing on the proceeds of a levy on airline tickets.
The Korean Ministry of Health will contribute US$ 6 million to the Global Fund for 2014-16. An additional US $10 million, from a levy on all passengers leaving Korea on international flights, will be paid by the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Global Fund in five annual installments of $2 million from 2013-17.
“The Republic of Korea is a trend-setter in the use of innovative funding methods to help fight the three diseases,” said Mark Dybul, Executive Director of the Global Fund. “In doubling its contribution, Korea is also leading the way for other G20 countries to follow.”
The 1,000 won (US $0.95) levy, known as the Global Poverty Eradication Tax, was introduced in 2007, primarily to contribute financial resources to fight poverty and disease in impoverished countries.
“I hope that the decision of the Government of the Republic of Korea will help strengthen cooperation between my country and the Global Fund in financing for development in new and innovative ways in our fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.” said SHIN Dong-ik, Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea.
Korea has contributed US$19 million since it started lending financial support to the Global Fund in 2004, of which US$6 million was pledged for the 2011-13 period.
The country has also committed to more than double its official development assistance by 2015.
Global Fund grants to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea totaling US$67 million have since 2010 funded the diagnosis and treatment of 120,000 cases of TB and the distribution of 710,000 mosquito nets.