18 September 2014
London – The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria congratulated the UK Department for International Development (DFID) on the award of Best Contribution to the Reputation of the Procurement Profession it won last week.
“The international award granted to DFID shows the organization’s strong commitment to pursue best procurement practices,” said Mark Dybul, Executive Director of the Global Fund. “It was a privilege for the Global Fund to have partnered with DFID on this project which highlights our global collaboration to fight malaria.”
This is the second time that DFID has won an award granted by the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS). Last year DFID won the Best International Procurement Project of the Year for its Contraceptive Implants Access Program.
CIPS is the leading professional body in the field of purchasing and supply chain management. The annual awards are aimed at celebrating and rewarding excellence in the purchases and supply profession, and attract strong entries from across the private and public sector. This year’s award ceremony was held on 11 September.
Last year the Global Fund, DFID and partners introduced a new framework to systematically organize the purchase of massive amounts of mosquito nets, anti-HIV drugs and other products to improve delivery and make significant savings. By using large-scale purchasing power, the framework provides tremendous value for money and is leading to greater savings for all partners, translating into even greater impact against malaria.