20 April 2015
GENEVA - The Global Fund partnership has launched a consultation as part of a process to engage a wide range of stakeholders in developing its 2017-2021 strategy.
Through a web platform launched today, the Global Fund seeks to involve a broad spectrum of participants from government, civil society, people affected by the diseases, multilaterals, private sector and other interested parties to collectively shape the future of the partnership through contributing to the making of the new strategy.
The e-Forum 2015 will invite participants to discuss and share their thinking on diverse thematic areas that the Global Fund works in while highlighting how the partnership should prepare itself for changing dynamics in global health.
Through the forum participants will have an opportunity to shape the future of the Global Fund partnership with its mission of ending AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria as epidemics, while building resilient health systems and community responses.
The e-Forum is one strand in a broad consultative process which will also include Global Fund convened meetings across three continents - Africa, Asia and Latin America. Partners will gather in these venues to explore ways of guiding the Global Fund partnership to achieve much greater impact. There will be additional consultation opportunities alongside meetings hosted by WHO, UNAIDS, PMNCH and the StopTB Partnership.
The current "Global Fund Strategy 2012-2016: Investing for Impact" was developed through a similar participatory process. It has guided the Global Fund to deliver significant results. At the end of 2014, programs supported by the partnership had put 7.3 million people on antiretroviral therapy for HIV, tested and treated 12.3 million people for TB, and distributed 450 million insecticide-treated nets to protect families against malaria. With the new strategy, the Global Fund will be looking to the future, asking how the partnership can achieve more and what it can do better.