17 December 2015
TOKYO - The Global Fund today presented its investment case for raising US$13 billion for its next three-year cycle of funding, outlining how partners in global health can contribute to ending HIV, tuberculosis and malaria as epidemics by 2030.
A US$13 billion investment for the 2017-2019 funding cycle would save up to eight million lives, avert up to 300 million infections and new cases of HIV, TB and malaria, and lay the groundwork for potential economic gains of up to US$290 billion in the years ahead. Strong investment in global health can significantly bolster international stability and security, while creating greater opportunity, prosperity, and well-being.
The Investment Case was reviewed and discussed by global health leaders at the Preparatory Meeting of the Global Fund Fifth Replenishment in Tokyo, hosted by the Government of Japan in conjunction with an international conference on universal health coverage.
The meeting was opened with remarks by Japan’s Foreign Minister, Fumio Kishida.
Norbert Hauser, Chair of the Global Fund Board, said that Japan’s leadership in global health was stimulating positive developments on a significant scale.
“In today’s troubled world we need stronger than ever commitment to the well-being of people as they are key to prosperity,” said Mr. Hauser. “For that, we need resilient systems for health that can withstand new challenges related to climate change and increased migration of people.”
At the meeting, several distinguished speakers highlighted the need to invest effectively to build stronger and resilient systems for health, to break down human rights barriers to health and strive to empower women and girls through programs supported by the Global Fund. Participants also voiced strong concerns about the risk of undermining the gains that have been made, if programs are not expanded.
Bill Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, spoke at a panel on innovation about the key role of the Global Fund in the tremendous progress achieved in global health. He said that of the foundation’s investments the Global Fund has been one of the most effective in improving the lives of the world’s poorest.
Loyce Maturu, a community activist from Zimbabwe who is part of the Global Fund Advocates Network Speakers Bureau, said that to make programs effective, it is essential to involve communities and people affected by HIV, such as herself. “I am grateful that I am able to be here,” she said. “I am one of the 17 million people whose lives have been saved.”
Programs supported by the Global Fund saved 17 million lives by the end of 2014. By leveraging advances in science and applying innovative solutions, the partnership is on track to reach 22 million lives saved by the end of 2016, the eve of a new Replenishment period.
Every three years, the Global Fund seeks financial support for its mission through a Replenishment pledging conference, to be held in mid-2016.
The Global Fund is a 21st-century partnership designed to accelerate the end of AIDS, TB and malaria as epidemics. As a partnership between governments, civil society, the private sector and people affected by the diseases, the Global Fund mobilizes and invests nearly US$4 billion a year to support programs run by local experts in more than 100 countries.
The Global Fund plays a catalytic role in spurring greater domestic investment in health, and also provides external financing that remains essential to end the epidemics. The Global Fund’s multilateral approach not only grows the resource pool, it allows innovation and value for money.