13 February 2018
JAKARTA – The Global Fund and health partners in Indonesia yesterday launched six new grants aimed at expanding Indonesia’s ambitious goals against HIV, TB and malaria.
The grants will support enrolment of more than 250,000 people for HIV treatment by 2020 and expand HIV services, including prevention and treatment for all people at risk. The grants will support Indonesia to reach the goal of detecting and treating 1.8 million additional TB cases, as well as increasing treatment success rates to more than 90 percent for TB and to 65-75 percent for drug-resistant TB. The grants also aim to increase the ownership and use of mosquito nets to 85 percent of the population affected by malaria. The funding, amounting to US$264 million, will be implemented by government and civil society partners from 2018 through 2020.
Indonesia's partnership with the Global Fund has already contributed to significant impact on HIV, TB and malaria. More than 50 percent of the districts in Indonesia have eliminated malaria. More than 90,000 people are on treatment for HIV and more than 2 million cases of TB have been detected and treated.
Indonesia’s Minister of Health, Dr. Nila Moeloek, stressed the importance of partners working together for greater impact: “HIV, TB and malaria are not only health issues, they are also development issues involving cross-sectoral ministries, institutions and communities. We will continue to work together to ensure that the resources mobilized through this grant are used accountably and effectively."
"The launch of these grants is a culmination of a successful country dialogue among health partners in the country, which drew a lot of lessons from the previous implementation period,” said Dr. Donald Pardede, Chairman of the Country Coordinating Mechanism of Indonesia. “I congratulate everybody who was involved in this robust process.”
"I want to commend Indonesia for being a great example of how to effectively respond to HIV, TB and malaria," said Mark Edington, Head of Grant Management at the Global Fund. “Indonesia has maintained high TB treatment success rates, made HIV treatment available across the country, and is making great headway toward malaria elimination.”