28 September 2018
This review assessed the progress made in strengthening governance at the Global Fund and focused on changes made in response to previous governance reviews including the OIG review in 2014, specifically looking at the recommendations and subsequent implementation of the Governance Plan for Impact developed by the Working Group on Governance established in March 2014 and implemented by a Transitional Governance Committee that concluded its work in April 2016.
The Advisory Report highlight several areas where progress has been made, notably around the revision of the committee mandates, one of which is now explicitly focused on governance matters, the management of risks, the development of an integrity framework, and the development of a performance assessments system.
Some issues remain outstanding or requiring more attention, notably around the area of managing risk appetite and improving the management of organizational performance. Gaps in oversight of the governance itself, regarding performance and effectiveness, and the related issue of suitability of the Board structure, are also explored in the report.
This Advisory Report was completed by the Office of the Inspector General on 28 April 2017 and shared with the Global Fund Board.
Reports related to the advisory activities of the OIG are not subject to mandatory public disclosure and the determination as to whether they are published is made by the Inspector General in consultation with the sponsor of the engagement.
At the request of the engagement sponsor, the Leadership of the Global Fund Board, the Advisory Report’s publication was delayed by the Inspector General until the finalization of a Governance Action Plan responding to the findings of this report.
This Plan (GF/B39/16 “Governance Action Plan 2017-2019”) was completed in May 2018. The introduction by the Board Leadership presenting this document to the whole Board advised publishing the advisory report, and Board Leadership subsequently asked the OIG publishes the advisory report.