03 December 2021
Cameroon is achieving good progress in terms of prevention, diagnosis and treatment coverage for the three diseases. From 2010 to 2020, new HIV infections and HIV-related mortality declined by 57% and 47% respectively, while estimated malaria deaths declined by 12% from 2010 to 2019. The TB treatment success rate had reached 84% by 2019.
COVID-19 has had limited impact on grant implementation, other than for HIV community-based interventions. The Global Fund provided EUR 15 million in additional financing to support the pandemic response, and most COVID-related activities were completed in a timely manner. There have however been delays to procurements of key pandemic-related commodities, due to protracted contracting with suppliers.
Grant implementation arrangements adequately address most key challenges, particularly around grant governance and coordination at the Ministry of Health, mass distribution of long-lasting insecticidal nets, and linkage of HIV testing to anti-retroviral treatment coverage. Mitigation measures will need close monitoring, however. Measures to ensure malaria care at community level remain insufficient.
Recurring stock-outs, inadequate coordination, storage capacity and inventory management have dogged the supply chain for years. A transformation project aimed at addressing these challenges is back on track after two years of inactivity.