22 September 2022
Bangladesh has made significant progress in the fight against TB and malaria. The country is moving closer to eliminating malaria by 2030, with deaths having fallen significantly. For TB, there was a 50% increase in case notifications and a 50% decline in mortality between 2010 and 2020.
The OIG found that despite these good results, there are still challenges around the utilization of GeneXpert machines, implementation of TB preventive treatment interventions and diagnosis of childhood TB. Many drug-resistant TB cases were missed in 2021, with low case notification in the private sector and among children. While HIV treatment coverage has increased, low coverage levels for HIV prevention services among key populations and for viral load testing are affecting HIV program outcomes. New HIV infections and HIV-related deaths have increased significantly. The adequacy, efficiency and effectiveness of grant interventions are therefore rated as partially effective.
While grants adapted quickly to the pandemic, better planning and coordination, as well as management of COVID-19 commodities, would have increased grant impact. Activities funded through Global Fund Grant Flexibilities and the COVID-19 Response Mechanism are therefore rated as partially effective.
Grant Principal Recipients have good financial management systems, with defined policies and procedures, including for monitoring sub-recipients. However, non-adherence to procurement controls and monitoring plans could cause limited value for money and financial loss. Grant oversight, and internal financial controls to support the delivery of grant activities, are therefore rated as partially effective.