
  • 03 November 2021
    20 Years of Progress to Protect Mothers and Babies From HIV
    The four-year age gap between 18-year-old Aaliyah and 22-year-old Winnie may seem insignificant, but because both girls were born to HIV-positive mothers at a time when prevention of mother-to-child-transmission therapies (PMTCT) were only beginning ...
  • 18 October 2021
    From Football Stadiums to Hospital Beds: Responding to COVID-19 in Malawi
    For two months in early 2021, Bingu National Stadium in Lilongwe – the largest stadium in Malawi – was not a place for football. Instead, a devastating second wave of COVID-19 had overwhelmed hospitals and turned the stadium into a temporary field ho...
  • 05 October 2021
    Adapting TB Programs to Face the Challenge of COVID-19: Lessons From the Philippines
    When the Philippines first went into COVID-19 lockdown last year, the Department of Health’s National TB Control Program (NTP) knew they had to act fast to ensure that TB patients were not cut off from accessing their lifesaving treatment.
  • 08 September 2021
    Indonesia’s Top TB Crusader Reflects on the State of the Fight
    Dr. Erlina Burhan has treated tens of thousands of TB patients over her 30-year long career. One patient she will never forget is An Biya Nur Melani. An Biya was just 17 years old when she was diagnosed with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB)...
  • 06 August 2021
    From Death Sentence to Hope:
    If the world today is on course to halting AIDS, TB and malaria as epidemics, much of the success is owed to the tireless efforts of millions of health workers.
  • 21 July 2021
    In Eswatini, Young Women Are Leading the Fight Against HIV and COVID-19
    Eswatini may be a small country, but it has put up a mighty fight against HIV. It has one of the highest prevalence rates of HIV in the world, but thanks to engaged political will and coordinated work with partnerships like the Global Fund, Eswatini ...
  • 07 July 2021
    “You’re part of something bigger”: Delivering Lifesaving COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests in South Africa
    In June, large shipments of COVID-19 diagnostic tests procured by the Global Fund through our Pooled Procurement Mechanism arrived at the warehouse of a private sector company hired by the National Department of Health in South Africa, to be stored a...
  • 07 June 2021
    20 Years of Partnership
    This year marks the 20th anniversary of a watershed event in the story of AIDS activism and the creation of the Global Fund: the first United Nations (UN) special session on HIV and AIDS. To celebrate two decades of the Global Fund partnership, we sh...
  • 24 March 2021
    Fighting Two Airborne Pandemics in India: TB and COVID-19
    The COVID-19 pandemic is having a devastating impact on the fight against tuberculosis worldwide, as many of the resources required to fight TB – labs, testing machines, health workers – have been diverted to fight COVID-19
  • 23 March 2021
    Uganda’s Remarkable Response to COVID-19
    When a storm hits, it helps for your house to have a strong foundation. The Global Fund has been investing in strengthening systems for health over the last two decades, because without a good foundation, we cannot end diseases.