• 04 May 2020
    Coronavirus Global Response International Pledging Event
    The Global Fund and partners are participating in the Coronavirus Global Response international pledging event hosted by the European Union on 4 May to raise €7.5 billion in initial funding for the global response to the pandemic. Pledges from govern...
  • 30 April 2020
    Ethics Resources for Country Coordinating Mechanisms
    Ethical, transparent and responsible decision-making by Country Coordinating Mechanisms is key for the success of programs in countries – and advancing the fight against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria worldwide.
  • 22 April 2020
    COVID-19 Response: Monitoring Approach and Information Collection
    The Global Fund is developing a real-time monitoring approach to identify secondary impacts of the COVID-19 response in the delivery of Global Fund-supported programs. This will support the Global Fund with its “business contingency planning” and pro...
  • 14 April 2020
    COVID-19 Response: Guidance on Country Dialogue and Human Rights
    The Global Fund has published new guidance on country dialogue and on human rights for countries responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 26 March 2020
    51 Funding Requests
    Country Coordinating Mechanisms have submitted the first funding requests to the Global Fund for the 2020-2022 funding cycle. In total, 51 separate applications were submitted for the first submission window in March 2020. They will be evaluated by t...
  • 23 March 2020
    Global Fund Supports Countries in Response to COVID-19
    Under WHO guidance, the Global Fund strongly encourages countries to take prompt action to mitigate the potential negative consequences of COVID-19 on existing programs supported by Global Fund grants. Particular attention should be given to health w...