08 February 2021
The Global Fund’s Information Security Management System (ISMS) is designed to manage and protect Global Fund data and systems, minimizing risks and ensuring business continuity in the event of security breaches.
That is why we have sought to achieve ISO 27001 certification for ISMS core business functions. Adherence to this international standard provides a management framework to keep Global Fund information secure through a documented system of controls.
The Global Fund first secured ISO 27001 certification in 2019 for strengthening ISMS relative to the treasury cash payments system and related operational management processes at the Global Health Campus. In 2020, the Global Fund expanded the system’s scope to cover the Office of the Inspector General and Ethics Office.
Conformity with ISO 27001 helps to ensure the confidentiality, accessibility and integrity of data handled by the organization results in many practical benefits including:
For additional information about information security at the Global Fund and our ISO certificate, contact us.