
Global Fund Statement on Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability

07 December 2021

The Global Fund is deeply concerned about the impact that environmental damage and climate change are having on human health and its disproportionate effect on the most vulnerable and disadvantaged communities. The recently approved Global Fund Strategy Fighting Pandemics and Building a Healthier and More Equitable World clearly addresses the threat and impact of climate change. It provides an opportunity for us to increase our efforts in this area and look at innovative ways to address, mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change.

Our statement on climate change and environmental sustainability outlines the steps we are taking, and will continue to take, inside the Global Fund and across the Global Fund partnership to support the countries we serve.

The statement presents our actions and commitments in the following areas:

  • Global Fund Secretariat – how we conduct our business travel, working arrangements and Secretariat sourcing activities;
  • Health Product Sourcing and Procurement – how we work with our suppliers and develop guidelines for health product procurement;
  • Global Fund Country Operations and Supply Chain – how we work with countries and partners on health care infrastructure, waste management and supply chains.

This statement builds on our existing efforts and outlines the Global Fund’s commitment to playing our part to combat climate change and to minimize our environmental impact. We will continue to work across our partnership to respond to the multifaceted threats to human health arising from climate and environmental changes.