01 July 2024
The Evaluation and Learning Office of the Global Fund, with oversight from the Independent Evaluation Panel, will commission an evaluation on Community Engagement (CE) in the Global Fund Grant Cycle. The main audience and users of the findings, lessons and recommendations are the Global Fund Secretariat teams that drive and support CE as well as country stakeholders (i.e. CCM representatives), community-led organizations as well as organizations with similar mandate and objectives. In addition, Governance Bodies and technical and bilateral partners are important audiences as findings and recommendations may suggest different ways of working across the Global Fund partnership.
The request for proposals (RFP) is open until 2 August, 2024. A webinar will be scheduled on 11 July 2024, during which bidders can receive further background information on the evaluation and have an opportunity to ask questions regarding the scope of work and the application process. To receive the link to the webinar, please submit your interest in attending by following the instructions specified in the RFP.