
Evaluation of Community Responses and Systems Strengthening (CRSS)

02 July 2024

The Evaluation and Learning Office of the Global Fund, with oversight from the Independent Evaluation Panel, will commission an evaluation to assess the Global Fund’s approach to Community Responses and Systems Strengthening (CRSS) and factors that facilitate and hinder progress towards sustainable community systems; the effectiveness of the interventions prioritized by the Global Fund under CRSS; the complementarity and integration of CRSS with the formal health systems at country level; and the contribution of community-led and community-based responses supported by the Global Fund to improve access to HIV tuberculosis and malaria services, grant implementation and performance. The evaluation will provide learnings on the challenges and gaps, and recommendations as to how the Global Fund can better conceptualize and invest in CRSS.The evaluation is scheduled to commence in early September 2024 and conclude in May 2025. It will cover the Global Fund’s Grant Cycle 6 from 2020-2022 and part of Grant Cycle 7 during the period of 2023. Findings from the evaluation will inform Grant Cycle 8.

The request for proposals (RFP) is open until 8 August 2024. Potential bidders are welcome to submit any questions on the RFP by email to by 17 July 2024. A webinar will be held on 23 July 2024, during which bidders can receive further background information on the evaluation and have an opportunity to ask questions regarding the scope of work and the application process. To receive the link to the webinar, please submit your interest in attending by sending an email to the address specified above.