
HIV Prevention Evaluation

04 October 2024

The Evaluation and Learning Office of the Global Fund, with oversight from the Independent Evaluation Panel, will commission an evaluation of HIV Prevention at the Global Fund. The purpose of the evaluation is to assess to what extent and how the increased Global Fund efforts in HIV prevention have led to grant cycle 7 grants that are optimally configured and coherent to enable maximizing HIV prevention outcomes and impact and are being implemented in line with the grant design. The evaluation findings and recommendations will be utilized in providing support to countries in grant-related HIV prevention programming. The evaluation is scheduled to commence in January 2025 and conclude in July 2025.

The request for proposals (RFP) is open until 14 November 2024. A webinar will be scheduled on 28 October 2024, during which bidders can receive further background information on the evaluation and have an opportunity to ask questions regarding the scope of work and the application process. To receive the link to the webinar, please submit your interest in attending by following the instructions specified in the RFP.