A Doctor’s Plea from the Frontline: “It’s time we all made a stand”
A Doctor’s Plea from the Frontline: “It’s time we all made a stand”
Dr. Zolelwa Sifumba of South Africa, a TB and COVID-19 survivor herself, talks about the challenges of providing care and fighting infectious diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic. “COVID-19 not only takes lives, but is causing losses from various previously well-controlled conditions. We risk losing all the gains that we have made against HIV, TB or malaria.”
Health workers like Zolelwa are determined to not let that happen. But she has one simple message: We need to support countries and health workers so they can do their jobs. “Now is a crucial point in time that will determine the course of all four diseases: HIV, TB, malaria and COVID-19. Even more funding is needed.”
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