Kenya has contributed KES 653,550 and US$13 million to the Global Fund to date. The country pledged US$10 million for the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment, covering 2023-2025. This represents a 67% increase over its Sixth Replenishment pledge and a firm sign of its commitment to alleviating the burden of the three diseases and building strong and resilient health systems. Kenya is a donor to the Global Fund and an implementer of Global Fund-supported programs.
Data updated on: 17 February 2025
Total pledged
KES 653,550
US$23 million
Total contributed
KES 653,550
US$13 million
Total pledged
US$10 million
Total contributed
Integrated HIV, TB and Malaria Care Supports Mothers-to-Be and Newborns in Kenya
Global Fund and African Regulatory Authorities Strengthen Collaboration, Visit Swissmedic
Pop-Up Booths to the Rescue in the Fight Against TB in Kenya
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