15 December 2010
Sofia – The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria’s Board of Directors today approved 79 grants with a two-year commitment of US$1.7 billion.
It is the tenth time the Global Fund Board approved new proposals to support programs fighting the three diseases. The total approved funding for these ten rounds is US$21.7 billion for 150 countries since it was created in 2002.
The US$1.7 billion is made up of US$732 million for HIV and AIDS, US$574 for malaria and US$299 million for TB and US$128 million for health systems strengthening. The 79 proposals which were found to be of sufficient technical quality to be funded constitute a success rate of just over half of the submitted proposals.
“This funding will allow us to reach millions of additional people with prevention, treatment and care,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Ethiopian Health Minister and Chair of the Global Fund Board. “It shows that even in hard economic times, we can continue to expand the fight against the three diseases.”
The Board adopted a series of measures to enable future funding opportunities, including the launch of Round 11 on 15 August 2011, with a submission due date for applicants on 15 December 2011.
“It is very positive that Round 10 is fully funded and that we can continue to expand the fight against the three pandemics,” said Michel Kazatchkine, the Executive Director of the Global Fund. “The Global Fund brings together all groups who fight these diseases and it is very impressive to see how all these groups, from donor country governments to those representing people living with HIV and affected by malaria and TB are able to work out agreements that serve all. In a situation where the needs are vast and the resources severely limited, it is heartening to see this ability to find solutions that benefit millions.”