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Published: 26 January 2021

15 Years of (RED)

Partnering with the Global Fund since 2006, (RED) harnesses the power of people and the world’s most iconic brands to fight AIDS and the inequities that allow it to thrive. Profits from the sale of (RED)-branded products and experiences have generated $700 million for Global Fund grants to date, benefiting more than 245 million people. (RED) celebrated its 15th anniversary last year and recognized some of the moments that have marked the movement.

Launch at Davos

26 January 2006

Bono and Bobby Shriver founded (RED) with one goal in mind: let's end AIDS. Leveraging their star power and activist instincts, they chose the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland to launch this innovative organization that has gone on to engage some of the world's most iconic brands in the fight. The Global Fund identified Rwanda and Swaziland to become the first countries to receive (RED)-backed investment.

This color makes the difference


(RED) kicked-off with an incredible line up of branded products that surged funds to the Global Fund for life-saving investments in Africa. From credit cards with American Express and Motorola phones to GAP t-shirts and Armani sunglasses, (RED) products were an instant commercial success that fueled HIV prevention, treatment, counseling, education, testing and care services. 

A $250 million partnership

13 October 2006

The launch of the (RED) iPod Nano marked the beginning of one of (RED)'s most successful partnerships that soon extended to the ultra-popular iphone. Since 2006, Apple has generated $250 million for HIV testing, treatment and counseling. Apple's action encouraged other companies in tech and beyond to step up and join the movement. "(RED) is making a difference in the lives of millions of people and we're humbled to make this contribution to such an important and worthy cause," explained Jony Ive, Apple's former Chief Design Officer.

Putting famous faces to work for Africa

June 2007

When Bono guest-edited the "Africa Issue" for the magazine Vanity Fair, he put (RED) and its transformative vision for the continent in the global spotlight. The 21 people who put their famous faces to work on 20 different covers were shout-outs for the challenge and the promise of Africa. “As guest editor, I want Africa to appear as an adventure, not a burden, and put faces and personalities to the statistics we read elsewhere,” Bono explained.

Where (RED) works

Today, the Global Fund directs grants powered by (RED) in eight countries: Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Rwanda, South Africa, eSwatini, Tanzania and Zambia. One hundred percent of funding goes to work on the ground—no overhead is taken. 

Documenting a life-saving transformation 


"The Lazarus Effect" debuts as a (RED) inspired documentary following the story of HIV-positive people in Africa who in as few as 40 days undergo a remarkable transformation with ARVs that cost around 40 cents a day. One of those people is Constance (Connie) Mudena, who lost all three of her children to AIDS, and has to choose between life-saving medicine, paying rent or buying food. Constance's life is transformed when she gets access to free treatment. Watch the film

Calling (RED) alert to world leaders


(RED) recruits more activists and celebrities to serve as Ambassadors and alert world leaders to the cause, bringing more life-saving treatment to Africa. After the global success of "The Lazarus Effect," (RED) Ambassador Connie Mudenda took the stage with her HIV-free daughter and appealed to French President Emmanuel Macron at the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment Conference in Lyon. Connie once considered herself lucky to access lifesaving treatment. “We need to take luck out of the equation and put justice in its place,” she said to Macron and all the other leaders gathered. Watch Connie's speech

Unite to fight with (RED)


The COVID-19 pandemic is having a catastrophic impact on the most vulnerable communities and threatens to roll-back decades of progress against HIV. (RED) is playing a leading role in encouraging businesses to unite to fight the two diseases. As the largest (RED) contributor, Apple answered the call by redirecting 100 percent of eligible proceeds from (PRODUCT) RED purchases to the Global Fund’s COVID‑19 Response. (RED)'s support is helping the Global Fund to fill the US$5 billion that is urgently needed.

A stunning (RED) auction

23 November 2013

A (RED) auction at Sotheby's in New York exceeded all expectations by raising more than $26 million for The Global Fund. The event, two years in the making, was curated to over 40 items from chairs and cars to Apple products. The star-studded crowd of more than 1,000 guests was treated to numerous spectacular surprises. Before bidding opened on a (RED) Steinway Grand Piano, Coldplay's Chris Martin took to the stage to sing "Perfect Day" and "Beautiful Day" with Bono. The performance inspired more than a dozen bidders to compete for the piano, which was sold for $1.9 million.


$700 million in life-saving impact

Before the creation of (RED), businesses had contributed just $5 million to the Global Fund. Since launching in 2006, (RED) has generated $700 million to fight AIDS - more than any other business initiative among Global Fund donors. Learn more

(RED) supports girls like Melissa at-risk for HIV and COVID-19

Melissa's story shows the increased risks that COVID-19 has created in the fight against HIV among adolescent girls and young women. (RED)-funded grants are helping to unite to fight the two diseases.