COVID-19 is having a catastrophic impact on vulnerable communities and threatens to derail the fight against AIDS, TB and malaria. We must work together to ensure this lifesaving work continues. We must unite to fight.
This World Malaria Day it is vital that we work together to ensure the progress we’ve been making against malaria does not get derailed by the COVID-19 pandemic… Given the challenges of COVID-19, we have to be all the more united, all the more creati...
This World Malaria Day, it is critical we equip health workers to safely continue malaria control programs – both to save lives from malaria and to reduce the strain on systems for health struggling to battle the new COVID-19 pandemic.
The Global Fund supports community-based monitoring as it’s an effective way to learn from communities on how to improve services and respond to human rights and gender related barriers. This video gives an overview of what community-based monitoring...
“The Global Fund was created in response to the last big pandemic that struck humanity: HIV and AIDS. With the COVID-19 pandemic, we know all too well what’s at stake in terms of lives and communities. But we also know what can be achieved when the w...
The Global Fund supports in-country supply chains in identifying areas for improvement and designing transformation projects to improve product availability.
Are you or your community affected by HIV, tuberculosis or malaria? The Global Fund needs your help in stepping up the fight against the three diseases. Your participation in country dialogues can help the programs we support work better for you and ...
In an unprecedented show of global solidarity, donors at the Global Fund's Sixth Replenishment Conference pledged US$14.02 billion for the next three years – the largest amount ever raised for a multilateral health organization, and the largest amoun...
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