With cumulative contributions equivalent to US$17.2 million to date, Portugal has been an important supporter of the Global Fund since the beginning of the partnership.

The Global Fund’s institutional relationship with Portugal is anchored in the Camões Institute for Cooperation and Languages (Camões I.P.), and in the Ministry of Health.

For the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment, which covers the period 2023-2025, Portugal announced a pledge of €1.5 million. This represents a 50% increase over and above its €1 million commitment for the Sixth Replenishment (2020-2022), a fourfold increase of its Fifth Replenishment commitment. By pledging more than the Global Fund’s ask in two consecutive investment cases, Portugal demonstrates its engagement alongside the Global Fund and towards global health.

Portugal further supported the Global Fund’s COVID-19 Response Mechanism, leveraging its private sector to provide a public-private commitment of €126,250 from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Association of Pharmacies.

Pledges and contributions

Data updated on: 05 February 2025


Total pledged

€4.81 million


US$13 million

Total contributed

€4.51 million


US$13 million

Seventh Replenishment (2023-2025)

Total pledged


Total contributed


Portugal and the Global Fund

In addition to the financial contribution to the Global Fund, Portugal has signed a memorandum of understanding in support of technical assistance to Global Fund grants in Lusophone countries, where Portuguese-speaking health experts are in severe shortage.

Portugal is represented on the Global Fund’s Board, thereby dynamically contributing to shaping the Global Fund governance policies.

“I am honored to announce that Portugal will contribute with one and a half million Euros to the Global Fund for the next three years cycle, responding positively to the request for a 30% increase with relation to the previous replenishment. This is not just about fighting against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, our collective commitment is also critical for poverty reduction and for achieving progress towards the fulfillment of SDG3 and the global community’s ambitious 2030 Universal Health Coverage goal.”
His Excellency the Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Portugal, Mr. Francisco André, at the 7th Replenishment Pledging Session of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, New York, September 21st, 2022