Spain has invested €661.57 million and US$65 million in the Global Fund to date, and currently ranks as the 12th largest public donor.

Prime Minister Sanchez announced a €130 million pledge for the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment, a 30% increase over its pledge for the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment (covering 2020-2022), demonstrating the country’s strong commitment to ending the epidemics of HIV, tuberculosis and malaria and reinforcing health systems. Providing access to lifesaving health services to the most vulnerable and building sustainable and inclusive health systems capable of addressing today’s and tomorrow’s threats is a key priority for Spain. Its global health strategy is strongly aligned with the integrated vision of the 2030 Agenda, with gender equality and human rights imperatives at its core.

Spain has also engaged with the Global Fund through Debt2Healthdownload in English | Español | Français ] – a Global Fund debt swap program to raise funds for health programs. Spain’s debt swap agreements with Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo and Ethiopia in 2017 freed €15.5 million to be reinvested in HIV, malaria and health systems strengthening programs in the three implementing countries. These agreements were facilitated by Spain’s Ministry of Economy.

Government donor ranking

As of: end 2023


Pledges and contributions

Data updated on: 19 January 2025


Total pledged

€783.07 million


US$65 million

Total contributed

€661.57 million


US$65 million

Seventh Replenishment (2023-2025)

Total pledged

€130 million

Total contributed

€90 million

Pledges and contributions by replenishment