21 August 2019
GENEVA – The Global Fund praised Switzerland’s strong commitment to help end AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, and strengthen systems for health.
In its meeting today in Bern, the Swiss Federal Council approved a contribution of CHF64 million to the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment. This is the highest contribution ever granted by Switzerland to the Global Fund.
“The partnership at the heart of the Global Fund is the key to our collective success in fighting AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria,” said Ambassador Manuel Sager, Director-General of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. “Thanks to the active collaboration of civil society, the private sector, and key multilateral health organizations, funds are channeled to address the highest needs, based on the best available data and science, and with the goal of healthier lives for those that are most vulnerable. Today, Switzerland renews its commitment to this effective partnership.”
Switzerland has been a strong supporter of the Global Fund partnership since its inception in 2002 and has contributed close to CHF200 million.
“We thank Switzerland for its continued support to the global fight against the three diseases,” said Peter Sands, Executive Director of the Global Fund. “Switzerland’s increased contribution signals a strong commitment to supporting the Global Fund’s efforts to save lives, end the epidemics and accelerate progress towards universal health coverage across the world.”
Switzerland shares a seat with Canada and Australia on the Global Fund Board. With this representation, Switzerland plays a key role in initiating and shaping discussions on issues such as embedding the fight against the three diseases in the broader universal health coverage agenda, strengthening Country Coordinating Mechanisms, and promoting the role of civil society and the provision of health services to vulnerable and marginalized populations.
The Global Fund is based in Geneva and is a contributor to International Geneva, a significant platform for Swiss and global health policy.
France will convene the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment pledging conference on 9-10 October 2019 in Lyon, France. The Global Fund seeks to raise at least US$14 billion for the next three years. The funds will help save 16 million lives, cut the mortality rate from HIV, TB and malaria in half, and build stronger health systems by 2023.
Photo homepage: Flickr / Guido Gloor Modjib