The Stop TB Partnership and the Global Fund today signed a new collaboration agreement to contribute towards the goal of finding and treating an additional 1.5 million people with tuberculosis who are currently missed by health systems.
The Global Fund and health partners in Kenya today signed six grant agreements to strengthen the response to HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. The grants aim to reach 1.3 million people with antiretroviral therapy by 2021, and drastically expand interve...
NAY PYI TAW, Myanmar – The Global Fund and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) have signed a memorandum of understanding to support the financing, design and implementation of country-led programs to fight HIV, tuberculosis and malaria, and build resili...
WHO and the Global Fund signed cooperation and financing agreements amounting to an estimated US$50 million today, with the aim of providing vital technical support to countries to fight HIV, TB and malaria, and securing additional progress toward un...
The government of Spain today announced an agreement to waive debts owed by Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ethiopia in exchange for investments in domestic health programs supported by the Global Fund.
The Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria today appointed a new Executive Director: Peter Sands, a former chief executive of Standard Chartered Bank who after a distinguished career in banking immersed himself in a range of...
Malawi and the Global Fund strengthened their partnership by signing four grants today worth a total of US$460 million. The funds seek to expand interventions for HIV, tuberculosis and malaria, including efforts to reach more than 800,000 people in M...
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, also known as The Union, announced a partnership agreement to deepen their shared commitment to end tuberculosis as an epidemic...
Global health partners and implementers from 13 countries with a high burden of tuberculosis launched an ambitious program to find and treat an additional 1.5 million missing cases of TB by the end of 2019. The new initiative is critically important ...