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Published: 17 December 2019

2019: A Record Year for Global Health

As the calendar page turns, we look back on some of the stories and moments that shaped 2019. Stepping up the fight to raise US$14.02 billion – the largest amount ever pledged to the Global Fund. Celebrating the 32 million lives saved. Honoring those we have lost. Amplifying the voices of people and communities most affected by the epidemics. Welcoming new leadership and partnerships. And accelerating investment and innovation to achieve a future free of the burden of HIV, tuberculosis and malaria.

Global Fund Kicks-Off Sixth Replenishment

In Delhi, India, leaders, global health organizations, civil society groups and people affected by the diseases vowed collective action to end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, and accelerate progress toward universal health coverage.

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Health Ministers Call for the World to Step Up the Fight

“I appeal to the international community to support a strong Replenishment for the Global Fund. With what the international community has contributed to the Global Fund already, great impact on HIV, TB and malaria has been achieved.” – Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng, Minister of Health, Uganda

In their words

Global Fund Selects Donald Kaberuka as Board Chair and Roslyn Morauta as Vice Chair

“The Global Fund is an extraordinary partnership, which has made a difference to humanity over the last two decades… Ending these three epidemics is a fight of our time and the Global Fund has shown that it is possible.” – Dr. Donald Kaberuka, Board Chair

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Women Deliver: “We are the Ones Who Are Going to End HIV”

At the Women Deliver Conference in Vancouver, Canada, HER Voice ambassadors answered the question: What is the global health community missing in its effort to support young women and girls to end HIV?

In their voices

Sir Elton John and President Macron Call for $14 Billion for Global Fund Replenishment

“The fight against AIDS has been my passion for many, many years. We have made such incredible progress, but we cannot become complacent. A fully replenished Global Fund is essential if we are going to consign this disease to history.” – Sir Elton John

Live from Paris

Faces of the Fight

The faces of the fight against HIV, TB and malaria span ages, geographies and gender. Their diversity shows that these diseases don’t affect one “type” of person. We can all see ourselves in these champions – in their challenges, their hopes and their strength.

Meet Martha, Davi, Elhadj, Olga and Zolelwa

Private Sector Partners Step Up the Fight

“We need the private sector’s resources, innovation and know-how to counter the threat of drug resistance, to extend our reach and to build stronger health systems – all of which will save more lives.” – Peter Sands, Executive Director, the Global Fund

Partners in progress

32 Million Lives Saved

At its core, the Global Fund is about ending epidemics to save lives. Through sustained investment, continued innovation and a relentless focus on impact, the Global Fund partnership has saved 32 million lives.

The World Steps Up: $14 Billion

In an unprecedented show of global solidarity, donors at the Global Fund's Sixth Replenishment Conference pledged US$14.02 billion for the next three years – the largest amount ever raised for a multilateral health organization, and the largest amount by the Global Fund.

Watch it happen

Increasing Impact: Allocation

The robust Replenishment means more funds available for country allocations – 23% more than the previous cycle. This will enable the Global Fund partnership to increase the impact of programs to prevent, treat and care for people affected by HIV, TB and malaria, and build resilient and sustainable systems for health.

Read the Results Report 2020