In preparation for the 2023-2025 allocation period, the following Grant Budgeting resources are updated and available:
Instructions for Completing the Detailed Budget Template. Available in English, French and Spanish, the updated instructions aim to support applicants and PRs in developing and reviewing programs supported by the Global Fund using the standardized template. download in English | Español | Français
Guidelines for Grant Budgeting are updated to replace the previous version of the Guidelines for Grant Budgeting (issued in December 2019) and Operational Policy Note on Support Costs and Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR) for Non-Governmental Organizations (issued in March 2015) with effect from 1 February 2023. The updated structure now includes two documents:
The Grant Funding Principles and Budgeting Guidelines includes key grant funding principles and budgeting guidelines that are fundamental to the operations of Global Fund grants and shall apply to the relevant allocation period. download in English | Español | Français
The Operational Guidance for Grant Budgeting includes detailed costing guidance and related appendices for budgeting in Global Fund grants. download in English | Español | Français Among several key changes, the updated Guidelines for Grant Budgeting includes guidance on foreign exchange management, information about Global Fund recoveries process and highlights Value for Money considerations in grant budgeting.
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