10 December 2024
The Global Fund is seeking two highly qualified and experienced experts, one in financial audit and one in forensic investigation, to fill two pro-bono vacancies and serve as a non-voting, independent members on the Audit and Finance Committee (AFC). The successful individuals will serve the 2025–2028 term from the point of their appointment (tentatively May 2025).
The AFC is one of three standing committees of the Global Fund Board whose purpose is to (i) provide oversight of the financial management of the Global Fund’s resources; (ii) provide oversight of the internal and external audit, as well as investigation, functions of the Global Fund; and (iii) ensure optimal performance in the corporate and financial operations of the Global Fund. The new independent members will join 12 other AFC members who have been selected from the Global Fund Board’s voting constituencies, 2 representatives of the non-voting, ex-officio members of the Board, as well as the non-voting, neutral Chair and Vice-Chair of the AFC.
The time commitment to AFC activities will be concentrated around two-day in-person meetings, which generally occur three times per year in Geneva, Switzerland. The commitment includes preparation for these meeting (e.g., reading background documentation distributed approximately two weeks prior to the meeting) as well as meeting participation. Inter-sessional work between AFC meetings may entail participation in conference calls or requests to revise relevant documentation. In addition, the independent members may participate in AFC executive sessions, calls or meetings relating to sensitive audit-financial matters, as needed upon referral by the Office of the Inspector General. An honorarium is available, in addition to travel expenses and per diems for in-person meetings.
More information and the application process are available in this request for expressions of interest [ download in English ] .