Header photo The Global Fund/Brian Otieno
Published: 17 July 2024

AIDS 2024

Held every two years, the International AIDS Conference is one of the largest gatherings in global health – and an opportunity for the world to come together to shift the latest evidence into action and accelerate the fight to end HIV.

At AIDS 2024, which is being held in Munich, Germany from 22 to 26 July 2024, organizations and individuals from across the Global Fund partnership will have the opportunity to look back at the tremendous progress made in the fight against AIDS and strategize ways to end the epidemic as a public health threat.

The Global Fund currently provides 28% of all international financing for HIV programs. As of June 2023, we have invested US$25.5 billion to prevent, diagnose and treat HIV and AIDS, and an additional US$4.6 billion in programs tackling both HIV and tuberculosis.

In Moldova, Prison-based Harm Reduction Programs Prevent HIV and Protect Human Rights

For nearly 30 years Ion Popescu was a heavy drug user, and the scars of his decades-long addiction remain very visible today. After being hit by a train in Moscow while using drugs, Ion now walks with a limp and the help of a crutch. A deep scar runs along the right side of his face, a reminder of the surgery that removed parts of his jaw due to osteomyelitis, a bone infection common among people who inject drugs.

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Meet Rithy: Grandmother and Outreach Worker at the Heart of Cambodia’s HIV Response

Ly Rithy is at home in the cheerful company of her granddaughters, 7-year-old Tiya and 12-year-old Srey Pin. Nestled away from the high-energy hum of the main avenues of the Toul Sangke neighborhood in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Rithy’s home is found at the close of a quiet lane. Rithy laughs easily alongside her granddaughters as she hangs up clean laundry on a line, her dark red hair smoothed back into a ponytail.

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Join the Global Fund at AIDS 2024

Our booth at AIDS 2024 will feature a special interactive photo and voice exhibit called We Are Here: Stories of Community Resistance, which shines a light on three community members at the heart of the HIV response. Ion from Moldova, Rithy from Cambodia and Teddy from Côte d’Ivoire are working to prevent HIV among people most at risk of the disease, while facing their own immense personal challenges – including the stigma and discrimination that continue to fuel the HIV epidemic today. The exhibit will share their stories and celebrate their voices.

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We Are Still Here

To mark Pride month, Richard Lusimbo of the Uganda Key Populations Consortium speaks out about Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act and bringing communities together to fight back.

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To End AIDS, We Must Reclaim Our Unyielding Pursuit of Equity

As HIV practitioners gather this week in Yaoundé for AFRAVIH, the largest international Francophone conference on HIV/AIDS, and a few months before the 25th International AIDS Conference in Munich, the Vice-Chair of the Global Fund Board urges renewed focus on promoting equity in the fight against HIV particularly for groups that continue to suffer a disproportionate proportion of HIV infections.

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Empower African Youth So They Can Put an End to AIDS

When AIDS swept across Africa at the end of the last century, many of our governments were denying or downplaying the problem and it was the young people who mobilized. Large numbers of them were affected so they gave their energy, and even their lives, to fight a scourge which offered little hope of survival before antiretroviral drugs became widely available.

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Against A Foe As Formidable As HIV, Anything Less Than Victory Is Creating A Future Problem

With another World AIDS Day behind us, we reflect on the nearly 40 million people who have lost their lives to this terrible disease. Yet we should also recognize the extraordinary progress we have made in combatting HIV and AIDS. Since 2002, in countries where the Global Fund invests, AIDS-related deaths are down by 72% and new HIV infections are down 61%.

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Innocent’s Story: Putting Children First in the Fight Against HIV in Malawi

Innocent was only 6 years old when his father died from an AIDS-related illness. Soon after the little boy began feeling sick himself. After visiting multiple health centers, Innocent eventually ended up at the Baylor Foundation in Malawi’s capital city, Lilongwe, and was put on lifesaving antiretroviral medicines (ARVs).

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Through Voix EssentiELLES, Farida Fights for the Rights of Women and Girls in Burkina Faso

When Farida Tiemtoré was a 23-year-old student she had big dreams. “I said to myself, ‘Why not create something on the internet to enable people to get the right information?’ Straightaway, the blog let me connect with girls and with female role models. I wanted these role models to share their experience to support other girls and women.”

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