Independent Evaluation & Learning

Evaluation of the Global Fund Funding Request and Grant-making Stages of the Funding Cycle

01 April 2024

Status: Completed

The overall purpose of the evaluation was to:  

  • Assess the design, operationalization, and implementation of the grant cycle 7 (GC7) funding request and grant-making (FR/GM) process and the degree to which this has led to the finalization of quality grants aligned with the Global Fund Strategy (2023-2028). 
  • Capture learning as close to real time as possible and ensure findings and recommendations are available to contribute to preparations for GC8. 

The evaluation was guided by the following two objectives:  

  1. Effectiveness: To assess whether the GC7 FR/GM processes lead to quality grants that are aligned with national priorities and support the delivery of the Global Fund Strategy (2023-2028).
  2. Efficiency: To assess the extent to which FR/GM procedures and processes are fit for purpose and achieve their intended objectives, and to explore opportunities for improvement, rationalization and simplification of FR and GM processes, for both applicants and the Global Fund Secretariat.

Evaluation Products

The final report, Independent Evaluation Panel (IEP) commentary and the Secretariat Management Response are to be viewed in conjunction with each other.