
Evaluation reports from Global Fund evaluations are listed below.  

All evaluations conducted prior to 2023 were led by the Technical Evaluation Reference Group (TERG), as indicated by document symbols containing the keyword “TERG.”  Evaluations undertaken from 2023 onwards have been managed under the independent evaluation and learning function. These are indicated by document symbols containing “ELO.”  

Last Update
Title Report Number Subject Status
2024-07-05 Evaluation of Community Engagement (CE) in the Global Fund Grant Cycle GF/ELO/2024/06 Community engagement Ongoing
2024-07-05 Community Responses and Systems Strengthening GF/ELO/2024/07 Community engagement Ongoing
2024-07-04 End-Term Strategic Review (2017-2023) GF/ELO/2024/01 Strategy Completed
2024-06-27 Imbizo: Learning from Country Stakeholder Feedback GF/ELO/2024/03 Partners and stakeholders Ongoing
2024-06-05 Independent Evaluation of the Global Fund Allocation Methodology GF/ELO/2024/02 Strategy Completed
2024-04-01 Use of Data and Guidance for Subnational Targeting for Malaria GF/ELO/2024/05 Malaria Ongoing
2024-04-01 Evaluation of the Global Fund Funding Request and Grant Making Stages of the 2023 – 2025 Funding Cycle – Grant Cycle 7 (GC7) GF/ELO/2024/04 Grantmaking Ongoing
2023-06-01 2023: Thematic Evaluation on Community Engagement and Community-led Responses Secretariat-led with TERG oversight (CE- CLR) GF/TERG/2023/001 Community engagement Completed
2023-06-01 2023: Technical Evaluation Reference Group: Global Fund Mapping Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) Component of the Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health (RSSH) Investments GF/TERG/2023/003 Resillient and sustainable systems for health (RSSH) Completed
2023-06-01 2023: COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) 1.0 GF/TERG/2023/004 Pandemics Completed
2023-05-05 2023: Thematic Evaluation of Data-Driven Decision-Making GF/TERG/2023/002 Data Completed
2022-12-01 2022: Thematic Evaluation of the wambo.org pilot for non-Global Fund financed orders GF/TERG/2022/003 Procurement Completed
2022-12-01 2022: Thematic Evaluation of the Global Fund’s Performance in Challenging Operating Environments (COE) GF/TERG/2022/004 Country-focused evaluations Completed
2022-11-01 2022: Thematic Evaluation of Accelerating the Equitable Deployment of and Access to Innovations GF/TERG/2022/005 Innovation Completed
2022-11-01 2022: Thematic Evaluation of Accelerating the Equitable Deployment of and Access to Innovations GF/TERG/2022/005 Innovation Completed
2022-09-01 2022: Thematic Evaluation of Tuberculosis Prevention - Final report GF/TERG/2022/002 Tuberculosis Completed
2022-05-01 2022: Thematic Review of Global Heath Security (Pandemic Preparedness and Response) – Secretariat-led with TERG oversight GF/TERG/2022/001 Pandemics Completed
2022-01-03 PCE Extension Synthesis Report (with TERG position paper and Secretariat Management response) GF/TERG/2022/006 Country-focused evaluations Completed
2021-12-01 2021: Thematic Evaluation on Strategic Initiatives GF/TERG/2021/003 Strategy Completed
2021-12-01 2021: Thematic Evaluation on Multicountry Catalytic Investment Grants GF/TERG/2021/004 Sustainability Completed
2021-12-01 Technical Evaluation Reference Group: External Evaluation of the Prospective Country Evaluations (PCEs) GF/TERG/2021/005 Country-focused evaluations Completed
2021-10-22 Secretariat Management Response - External Evaluation of the Prospective Country Evaluations (PCEs) GF/TERG/2021/009 Country-focused evaluations Completed
2021-10-01 TERG Position Paper on the External Evaluation of the PCEs GF/TERG/2021/009 Country-focused evaluations Completed
2021-07-26 External Evaluation of the Prospective Country Evaluations (PCEs) GF/TERG/2021/008 Country-focused evaluations Completed
2021-05-01 2021: Thematic Review on the Role of the Private Sector in Program Delivery - Final Report GF/TERG/2021/001 Partners (private sector) Completed
2021-05-01 2021: Thematic Review on HIV Primary prevention GF/TERG/2021/002 HIV Completed
2021-02-19 Global Fund Prospective Country Evaluation 2021 Synthesis Report GF/TERG/2021/007 Country-focused evaluations Completed
2021-01-03 Technical Evaluation Reference Group Position Paper: Prospective Country Evaluation GF/TERG/2021/006 Country-focused evaluations Completed
2020-12-22 2020 Strategic Review: Global Fund Secretariat Management Response to SR2020 GF/TERG/2020/004 Strategy Completed
2020-12-01 2020 Strategic Review: Technical Evaluation Reference Group Position Paper GF/TERG/2020/005 Strategy Completed
2020-08-31 2020 Strategic Review Vol 2 - Annexes GF/TERG/2020/003 Strategy Completed
2020-08-31 2020 Strategic Review Final Report Vol 1 GF/TERG/2020/002 Strategy Completed
2020-02-28 Global Fund Prospective Country Evaluation 2020 Synthesis Report GF/TERG/2020/006 Country-focused evaluations Completed
2020-01-01 2020: Thematic Review on Sustainability, Transition and Co-Financing Policy GF/TERG/2020/001 Sustainability Completed
2019-12-01 2019: Thematic Review of Marketing Shaping Strategy (Mid-Term) GF/TERG/2019/003 Strategy Completed
2019-07-05 2019: Thematic Review of the Global Fund Country Level Technical Support Partnership Model GF/TERG/2019/001 Technical Support Completed
2019-07-01 2019: Thematic Review of Resilient and Sustainable Systems for Health GF/TERG/2019/002 Resillient and sustainable systems for health (RSSH) Completed
2019-02-22 Global Fund Prospective Country Evaluation 2019 Synthesis Report GF/TERG/2019/004 Country-focused evaluations Completed
2018-05-01 2018: Technical Evaluation Reference Group Thematic Review of Malaria Elimination in Southern Africa GF/TERG/2018/001 Malaria Completed
2018-03-01 2018: Technical Evaluation Reference Group Thematic Review of Adolescent Girls and Young Women and HIV GF/TERG/2018/002 AGYW Completed
2018-02-28 Global Fund Prospective Country Evaluation 2018 Synthesis Report GF/TERG/2018/003 Country-focused evaluations Completed
2017-05-01 2017 Strategic Review GF/TERG/2017/001 Strategy Completed
2015-10-01 2015 Strategic Review GF/TERG/2015/003 Strategy Completed
2014-07-06 2014: Technical Evaluation Reference Group Position Paper on the Thematic Review of the Global Fund in Fragile States GF/TERG/2014/002 Country-focused evaluations Completed
2014-06-01 2014: Thematic Review of the Global Fund in Fragile States GF/TERG/2014/001 Country-focused evaluations Completed
2013-04-01 2013: Sustainability Review of Global Fund-supported HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria Programmes GF/TERG/2013/001 Sustainability Completed
2012-11-30 2012: Independent Evaluation of Global Fund Investments in Country Monitoring and Evaluation Systems GF/TERG/2012/003 Oversight, monitoring and evaluation Completed
2012-10-26 2012: Strategic Investment in Country Data Systems to Systematically Prepare Countries to Measure Impact GF/TERG/2012/001 Data Completed
2012-09-28 2012: Independent Evaluation of the Affordable Medicines Facility - malaria Phase 1 GF/TERG/2012/002 Malaria Completed
2009-05-01 Five-year Evaluation Study Area 3 Report (2009) GF/TERG/2009/003 Strategy Completed
2009-04-04 Five-year Evaluation Study Area 3 Summary (2009) GF/TERG/2009/004 Strategy Completed
2009-04-01 Five-Year Evaluation of the Global Fund Synthesis Report Summary (2009) GF/TERG/2009/002 Strategy Completed
2009-03-01 Five-year Evaluation Study Area 3 Executive Summary (2009) GF/TERG/2009/003 Strategy Completed
2009-03-01 Five-Year Evaluation of the Global Fund Synthesis Report (2009) GF/TERG/2009/001 Strategy Completed
2008-11-12 Five-year Evaluation Study Area 2 Summary (2008) GF/TERG/2008/004 Partners and stakeholders Completed
2008-11-12 Five-year Evaluation Study Area 2 Report (2008) GF/TERG/2008/003 Partners and stakeholders Completed
2008-11-12 Domaine d’examen n° 2 (2008) GF/TERG/2008/002 Partners and stakeholders Completed
2008-11-12 ÁREA DE ESTUDIO 2 (2008) GF/TERG/2008/002 Partners and stakeholders Completed
2008-11-12 Five-year Evaluation Study Area 2 Evaluation Brief (2008) GF/TERG/2008/002 Partners and stakeholders Completed
2008-11-01 DOMAINE D’ETUDE N°1 – EFFICACITÉ ORGANISATIONNELLE DU FONDS MONDIAL (2008) GF/TERG/2008/001 Organizational efficiency and effectiveness Completed
2008-11-01 Five-year Evaluation Study Area 1 Evaluation Brief (2008) GF/TERG/2008/001 Organizational efficiency and effectiveness Completed
2007-11-01 Five-year Evaluation Study Area 1 Summary (2007) GF/TERG/2007/004 Organizational efficiency and effectiveness Completed
2007-10-01 Five-year Evaluation Study Area 1 Report Annexes 2-5 (2007) GF/TERG/2007/003 Organizational efficiency and effectiveness Completed
2007-10-01 Five-year Evaluation Study Area 1 Report Annex 1 (2007) GF/TERG/2007/002 Organizational efficiency and effectiveness Completed
2007-10-01 Five-Year Evaluation Study Area 1 Report GF/TERG/2007/001 Organizational efficiency and effectiveness Completed
2006-10-01 Five-Year Evaluation Portfolio Review Evaluation Brief (2006) GF/TERG/2006/005 Strategy Completed
2006-09-01 Five-year Evaluation 360° Stakeholder Assessment Report (2006) GF/TERG/2006/004 Partners and stakeholders Completed
2006-09-01 Five-year Evaluation 360° Stakeholder Assessment Evaluation Brief (2006) GF/TERG/2006/006 Strategy Completed
2006-02-01 Five-year Evaluation Background Documents GF/TERG/2006/003 Grantmaking Completed
2006-02-01 Five-year Evaluation Assessment of the Proposal Development and Review Process Report GF/TERG/2006/002 Grantmaking Completed
2006-01-01 Five-year Evaluation Assessment of the Proposal Development and Review Process Evaluation Brief (2006) GF/TERG/2006/001 Grantmaking Completed
2005-12-01 Five-year Evaluation Assessment of the Country Coordinating Mechanisms Evaluation Brief (2005) GF/TERG/2005/002 Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCM) Completed
2005-10-01 Five-year Evaluation Assessment of the Country Coordinating Mechanisms Report (2005) GF/TERG/2005/001 Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCM) Completed