Independent Evaluation & Learning

HIV Prevention Evaluation

18 October 2024

Status: Not started

This independent evaluation will assess to what extent and how the increased Global Fund efforts in HIV prevention have led to grant cycle seven (GC 7) grants that are maximizing HIV prevention outcomes and impact. It will also assess whether these HIV prevention efforts are being implemented in line with the grant design.

Based on the purpose of the evaluation, the objectives are:

  1. To assess whether grants are optimally configured to optimally allocate funds for HIV prevention considering four dimensions:
    • Geographical location vis-à-vis disease burden
    • Supported interventions
    • Populations of focus
    • Target coverage (numbers and percentage of population to be reached)
  2. To assess grant implementation, any shifts compared to GC6, early results, alignment with the grant agreement and their external coherence. In doing so, the evaluation will review a sample of grants that have been under implementation for approximately a year, based on the above criteria.
  3. To assess country monitoring systems of the sampled countries for measuring HIV prevention outcomes and subsequent use of this information.

The evaluation’s target audiences will be:

  • The Global Fund Secretariat,
  • The Global Fund Board,
  • In-country HIV programs, including implementers of Global Fund grants (Principal and Sub-Recipients), and
  • Technical partners involved in HIV programming on country level (e.g. UNAIDS, WHO, PEPFAR).

The final report is expected in July 2025.