The Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria approved funding decisions for ambitious investments over the next three-year period to significantly increase impact against HIV, TB and malaria and to build resilient and sustaina...
A landmark agreement announced today by Unitaid, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and global biopharmaceutical company Sanofi will significantly lower the price of rifapentine, a critically important drug used to prevent tuberc...
The World Bank and the Global Fund have signed a co-financing framework agreement to accelerate efforts by countries to end HIV, tuberculosis and malaria and build sustainable systems for health.
Efforts to find and treat people with tuberculosis are showing remarkable progress, with 7 million people with TB found globally in 2018, including 600,000 more people than in 2017.
In an unprecedented show of global solidarity, donors at the Global Fund's Sixth Replenishment Conference pledged US$14.02 billion for the next three years – the largest amount ever raised for a multilateral health organization, and the largest amoun...
At the opening of the Sixth Replenishment conference, the Global Fund announced a range of private sector partners that will spur innovation to accelerate the end to HIV, tuberculosis and malaria, the world’s deadliest infectious diseases.
The Global Fund thanked Denmark for its strong commitment to the fight against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria with a new pledge of DKK350 million – a 16.6% increase over the previous period.
The Global Fund applauded Sweden’s strong commitment to the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria with a new pledge of SEK2.85 billion to the Global Fund for the next three years.
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria welcomed a pledge of NOK 2.020 billion by Norway, stepping up the fight to end HIV, tuberculosis and malaria as epidemics.
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria pays tribute to the memory of Jacques Chirac, former President of France, who passed away on 26 September 2019.