08 March 2019
The Global Fund and other stakeholders’ investments in Benin have significantly contributed to major achievements in all three diseases. Malaria mortality reported cases dropped from 2,261 cases in 2012 to 1,646 cases in 2016. Benin adopted the new recommended treatment strategy of test-treat-retain in 2017, bringing the number of people living with HIV on treatment to 38,396, representing 55% coverage. This means that Benin has one of the highest treatment coverage levels in the West and Central Africa region (35% of treatment coverage on average).
Challenges remain, however: access to quality malaria services is low, particularly at the community level; there are no appropriate national guidelines for therapeutic education for Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission; and data unavailability and inconsistencies impede effective monitoring and decision making.
Good practices are noted in supply chain management. Health products are secured, stored and distributed in a timely manner, particularly from the central to the district level. There are challenges around quantification of health products, particularly for malaria, and around data management, despite strong commitment from partners and the Benin Government to secure the required health commodities. Issues remain around the human resources needed to manage the supply chain, and the government’s failure to fulfill its procurement commitments for malaria elimination.
These challenges have resulted in tensions over health product stocks at central level as well as stockouts and disruption of patient services at facility and community levels. Improvements could be achieved through effective data supervision, timely procurement planning and strengthened staff capacity for the supply chain.